Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Sick Betta Fish

Betta fish are beautiful fish, with vibrant colors, long and flowing tails and betta splendens. Betta fish are probably the second most popular fish kept as pets, second only after goldfish. They are a favorite, as they are known for their beauty, long fins, and also because they are easy to care for. Diagnosing a sick betta fish is not as simple as it seems to be. Hence, sometimes it is said that caring for a betta fish is easier than diagnosing one.

Sick Betta Fish Symptoms

It is important for you to know that most of the common betta fish sicknesses are often traced back to poor quality of water, or water quality issues.
  • If the betta fish is suffering from a nasty fungal infection, the fish will have white cotton like patches on its body or head. He may be less active and may stop eating, fins may clump and the color of the fish will also turn pale.
  • If you have been overfeeding the fish and he suffers from constipation, you will notice bloated stomach and loss of appetite.
  • When the fins or the tail rots, the affected part will have a ragged look. The fin and tail may look as though something has taken a bite of the fins or tails.
  • When you notice white dots all over the body and head, including the eyes, as though table salt is sprinkled on the fish, he may be suffering from ick. The fish may become less active, his appetite will reduce drastically to the extent that he may stop eating all together, and fins may be clumped. The fish may also start darting and scratching against rocks, aquarium plants, etc.
  • Sometimes the fish may be affected with gill parasites. In such a case, you will notice that the fish is scratching itself against aquarium objects, will have strange swimming patterns and may also have breathing problems.
  • A betta fish may also suffer from eye problems, you will notice that one or both the eyes will start bulging out. On some days, the eye might look very ugly and scary.
  • Some fish may also suffer from dropsy. The common symptoms you will notice is that the fish will have an abnormally big bloated belly. If you observe the fish from top, you will see that the scales are raised. The scales will look as though they were an open pine cone. If you do notice this condition, there are very chances of survival.
  • Betta fish can suffer from swim bladder disease as well. The fish will float in an abnormal way. The fish may uncontrollably swim to the top, sideways or may have difficulty in swimming and will swim with an awkward angle.
  • If I have to tell you that betta fish diseases are just like humans, you may not believe me, but it is a fact. Fish may also suffer from tuberculosis, which is transferred from humans. If the fish is suffering from tuberculosis, the fish will experience loss of appetite, cloudy eyes, faded colors, clamped fish, rapid breathing, etc.
  • Like humans, betta fish also suffer from depression. The fish may or may not have clamped fish, lie at the bottom of the aquarium, barely or not eat at all, not flare or build bubble nests and barely swim around.

Once you have understood your pet fish is sick, how to treat it is the next question. You will have to observe the fish and find out what is wrong with the fish. Since, you have seen him during his healthy days, you will be able to see the difference. The first of the fish care instructions is to isolate the sick fish from the other fish. You can use a separate bowl or jar, however, use the same water as in the tank to avoid shocking the fish with abrupt water temperature change. Since most of the fish diseases are caused due to poor water conditions, you will have to ensure the fish bowl is clean and there is no bacteria in water. Depending on the symptoms you will have to treat the fish for illnesses. There are antibiotics for the fish, which are available at pet shops, but ensure you give them the right dosage.

When you are caring for betta fish, it is important that you keep the aquarium clean. You can use a turkey baster to remove any food particles, that have settled at the bottom. At the same time, avoid overfeeding the fish. It is necessary, that you do not over-medicate sick betta fish, as there can be other complications, which can arise out of over-medication.

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