Monday, August 19, 2013

African Butterfly Fish

What might have come to your mind when you first heard about the African butterfly fish? A fish that looks like a butterfly. And right you were! This fish is a surface dweller, and the only member of its species or family. It is equipped with pectoral fins, that are large enough to allow the fish to glide very short distances across the surface of the water. The fins have a silvery brown shade, which are marked with dark lines, earning them the name 'Butterflyfish'. Growing no more than 13centimeters (5.1 in) in length, this fish is known as a surface hunter.

Facts on the African Butterfly Fish
  • To continue what I said earlier, this fish is known as a surface hunter because of the fact that it is trained to hunt for prey by being at the surface. Also, because of the upturned mouth, it is easier for the fish to capture small prey along the water's surface.
  • Creeks, lakes and swamps, are known to provide for the ideal habitat for the African butterfly fish, as the water in these regions tend to be slow-moving and still. Also, these places are abundant in surface foliage, providing the fish good cover from predators. When kept as a pet, it must be housed in aquarium of at least 20USgallons.
  • The African butterfly fish is known to be a super jumper. This is why it is imperative to have a good cover on the aquarium.
  • A year round temperature of 73F - 86F is what is considered to be the ideal one required by the fish to survive.
  • This fish is a carnivore and its diet consists of crickets, flies, mosquitoes, small spiders, worms, and even gut-loaded small fish. Sometimes, even canned foods will also do. However, it does not prefer prepared food.
  • If you plan to keep other fish along with the African butterfly fish, then best it is to go for those types that swim in the bottom or middle. As you know, this fish which we are talking about, is a surface dweller, and it is aggressive towards other top-dwelling fish. According to experts the best species of fish which can mingle well with this one include Congo tetras, elephant nose fish, West African cichliads, and African knife fish.
  • Slightly soft, acidic water, is preferred by this fish species, with a pH value of 6.9 - 7.1 and KH of 1-10.
  • When it comes to sexing, you can distinguish a male from a female, only when the latter is carrying eggs. Because then, the female appears fatter than the male. However, one feature that may help in this, is the rear edge of the anal fin. In case of a male, it is shaped convexly, while it is a straight one for a female.
  • When you are housing the African butterfly fish, ensure that the filtration of the aquarium is not too strong. This is due to the preference of this swimmer to dwell in still waters.
As a beginner, the prospect of breeding this fish species is not a bright one. And even if you are able to do so, raising the fry is another challenge. This is because, the juveniles will only feed on food that come floating into their mouths. So best it is to seek help from a professional.

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