Sunday, November 17, 2013

Brook Trout Facts

Brook trouts are found in many part of North America. They are easy to identify as they have an elongated tapering body and are greenish black in color. The scientific name of this fish is S. fontinalis or Salvelinus fontinalis. The word fontinalis means from spring. These fish are mostly found in spring and hence, the scientific name is appropriate. This is a commonly fished fish for its taste.

Interesting Brook Trout Facts for Kids
  • These fish are found in the continent of North America, or more specifically in Maritime Provinces, in the Nelson, Newfoundland, Labrador, the Great Lakes drainage basin, north to James and Hudson Bays.
  • These fish are easy to identify due to the presence of certain marks or vermiculation present on their body. Their body is covered with spots or worm like markings.
  • Brook trouts have a rounded snout and a large mouth. On closer observation, you will find that the lower part of their mouth is pointed. They have a square tail. Interestingly, their appearance is based on the environment and found to vary with it.
  • Brook trout facts tell us that although the fish appears darker on the top. Its stomach is reddish or orange colored. In adult males, it is redder than other fish.
  • The average lifespan of a brook trout is 4-7 years. Some species are even believed to live only for 4 years. In rare cases, a maximum of 15 year species have been observed. As they belong to the salmon family, you may like to read more on salmon life cycle.
  • Usually the length of brook trouts is found to be 10-12 inches. However, a recorded 33 inches brook trout has also been found.
  • The weight of a brook trout can be anything between 10 oz to 7 lb. The recorded maximum weight of a brook trout is 14.5 lb.
  • These fish mostly live in clear freshwater streams, lakes, springs and rivers. The presence of this fish is an indication that the water is clear.
  • Another interesting fact about brook trout is that these fish are never found in areas where development is seen. They are found mostly in mountainous areas. This is because they prefer clean environment and cannot survive in polluted conditions.
  • Brook trouts feed on insects that are found in water. But they also tend to eat other aquatic creatures like baby aquatic snakes, small fish, mollusk, fry, spiders, crustaceans, tadpoles, etc.
  • Human beings are the major predators of brook trouts as these fish are fished for food. However, other larger fish also eat the brook trouts.
  • At the age one year, a brook trout becomes sexually mature. They spawn between September and December.
  • One of the fun facts about brook trout is that at a single time, a female brook trout lays thousands of eggs. The eggs are usually laid in cold water streams. The eggs of a brook trout are incubated throughout winter. They hatch in the spring.
  • This fish is considered as a good game. Fly fishing and grub fishing are the popular methods used for brook trout fishing.
  • Another interesting brook trout facts is that these days, these fish are hybridized with other species to form newer species like the tiger trout (hybrid between brown trout and brook trout) and splake (hybrid between lake trout and brook trout).
You can also read on golden trout for more information. Those who love reading facts about animals, birds and fish should participate in awareness programs that are launched by various organizations for the conservation of animals and animal habitats.

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