Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Betta Fish Facts

Betta fish are the small, colorful, tropical fish that are commonly bred in aquariums. Although its scientific name is Betta Splendens; it is also known as Siamese fighting fish or simply the betta. These colorful fish are much in demand for aquariums as they are very easy to breed locally.

Facts about Betta Fish

One of the biggest advantage of rearing betta fish is that they grow well even in small containers. Hence, they are much favored by fish breeders.
  • The life span of this fish is of 2-3 years; in rare cases, it can even live for 4-5 years.
  • A special organ known as the labyrinth is located on the top of the fish's head which enables it to breathe atmospheric oxygen.
  • As the betta fish takes up much of the oxygen from the surface, it can survive in water lacking oxygen for a long time.
  • It has short floating fins and a straight spine.
  • It can be found in more than 25 colors, the most common ones being red, blue, green, yellow, orange, pastel, purple, transparent, black, white and many more.
  • A male betta usually flares its fins when it feels threatened.
  • The betta fish is known as the Siamese fighting fish for its natural tendency to fight.
  • Males are more aggressive and tend to fight or kill other males, when kept together.
  • The richer the color of the betta fish, healthier they are. However, this rule may not be applicable to female fish, as sometimes, they are naturally tan or gray in color.
  • The betta fish breeding pattern is of a unique type. The male builds a nest among the leaves of the floating plants. The eggs are placed here, which are later fertilized by the male.
  • Veil tail betta is the most common variety, whereas the crown tail betta ranks second most common.
  • According to crowntail betta fish facts, these fish are named so as they have finger like projections on their tails.
Betta Fish Care

As mentioned above, male betta tend to turn aggressive towards other males. Hence, it is advisable to have only a single male betta in a fish bowl. On the other hand, although the female betta fish do not kill each other, they tend to hide in secret places. Secondly, the temperature of the aquarium containing betta fish should be maintained at around 70-80 degree Fahrenheit, and is should be remembered that extremities of temperature are very harmful for the fish. Food required for the fish can be gotten from pet stores or even in larger super markets. Betta fish should be fed only 3 times a day and you should be careful to not to overfeed the fish. Lastly, it is very essential to maintain proper hygiene and cleanliness. If the fish shows any signs of abnormal behavior like sluggishness or lack of activity, you can consult the fish veterinarians or the vet for advice.

You can go and take a look at these beautiful creatures; you will surely love them and wish to pet them! Ciao!

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