Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Oscar Fish

The Oscar fish belongs to the cichlid family and is usually found in areas of South America. They come in a wide variety of patterns and colors and are also known as Tiger, velvet or marble cichlid. The scientific name for these species is the Astronotus ocellatus and these grow up to 16" in length (40cm) and weigh over 3 pounds (1.5kg).

  • The Oscar fish are an aggressive kind of species. These need an aquarium that is big in size. It is always advisable to have a minimum of 6 Oscar fish. These are sometimes known to attack each other for no apparent reason.
  • They are also known to grow at a fast rate. Once, they grow, they require a lot of space. These need at least 30 gallons of space each. The optimum temperature should be around 26-28 degrees C.
  • They are known to change colors when they begin courting. These lie around 1000 eggs at a time and these are known to hatch within 2 days.
  • Be careful of the species of fish you may select to have in your tank along with the Oscar fish. Go in for large Neotropical Cichlids, which are of the same size. The Pink Oscars are the least aggressive so having them in your tank would require you to see that it also receives the appropriate amount of food to survive. Although, they are known to be very aggressive, their wild side may be seen when they tend to feel overcrowded in the aquarium or during the breeding period.
  • Their tanks require frequent cleaning as these are known to dispose a huge amount of waste everyday. For this you need to have a strong filtration system for the aquarium tank.
  • They are known to apply their intelligence when it comes the way you decorate the aquarium. If they do not like the items you use in it, they are even known to pick these and push them around. Therefore, go in for a sandy bottom and big rocks.
  • Use a digital aquarium thermometer to keep a regular check on the temperature of the water. They are known to be easily adaptable but even then, keep a pH balance of about 7.2.
  • Always ensure you maintain the water change at regular intervals. Do this on a weekly basis. Siphon off a bit of the water and add some new water to it. Change at least 10 to 15 percent of the water to keep it healthy and safe for the Oscar fish.
  • Before you bring the fish home, you need to ensure that the aquarium is washed thoroughly and all the soap or any other residues have been completely rinsed off. Every item that is to be inserted into the aquarium needs to be rinsed completely.
  • They are a carnivorous lot. When it comes to these fish in the aquarium, it is safer to feed them processed or frozen food. Get some specific cichlid food items that would provide it with a balanced diet. These need a protein-rich diet to maintain the good health.
  • Always ensure you do not overfeed the Oscar fish. Always remove the leftover from the aquarium as its tendency to produce waste, can add to the ammonia content in the water.
  • Avoid the use of bright lighting in the aquarium. It would prefer low intensity fluorescent bulbs.
The Oscar fish is also an intelligent species of fish and is very popular as aquarium fish as well. They are also very aggressive and you need to look after them with great care if you plan to have them in your aquarium.

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