As of today there are more than 25,000 different kinds of fish and can be categorized into three main groups - bony, cartilaginous and those without jaws. Some fish have a special sense organ which works like a radar and it is used when they travel through murky or dark waters. Here we not only give you a list of different kinds of deep ocean fish but those found in river water as well.
Kinds of Fish in the Ocean
There are different types of fish which live in the ocean and their size varies a great deal. There are some very small varieties like Angelfish or even smaller than that to large fish like sharks, dolphins and wales. Some of the most common species of fish found in the ocean include
Names of Fish | |
African Flameback | Axelrods clown blenny |
Axilspot Hogfish | Bandfin cardinalfish |
Banggai cardinal fish | Bicolor Angelfish |
Bicolor blenny | Bicolor Foxface Rabbitfish |
Bigeye cardinalfish | Bignose unicornfish |
Blackcap Gramma | Blackfin Hogfish |
Blackfinned Clownfish | Black Striped Angelfish |
Black triggerfish | Blackbar triggerfish |
Blackbelly triggerfish | Blackstripe cardinalfish |
Black Velvet Angelfish | Blackspot Angelfish |
Blacktail Angelfish | Blue Angelfish |
Blueface Angelfish | Bluehead Fairy Wrasse |
Blue tang surgeonfish | Cherub Angelfish |
Bluespotted Angelfish | Bluespotted triggerfish |
Bluethroat triggerfish | Boomerang triggerfish |
Brazilian Gramma | Bridled cardinalfish |
Brown Combtooth Blenny | Brown surgeonfish |
Cherub Angelfish | Chestnut eyelash blenny |
Chevron tang | Chinese trumpetfish |
Chocolate surgeonfish | Cinnamon Clownfish |
Clarkii Clownfish | Clown triggerfish |
Cockatoo waspfish | Comical blenny |
Convict surgeonfish | Cook's cardinalfish |
Coral Beauty | Coral Hogfish |
Coral Rabbitfish | Cortez Angelfish |
Cuban Hogfish | Desjardin's sailfin tang |
Doederlein's cardinalfish | Dog toothed cardinalfish |
Doubleband surgeonfish | Drab sole |
Eight Lined Wrasse | Elongate surgeonfish |
Emperor Angelfish | Gray Reef Shark |
Eyestriped surgeonfish | Exquisite Fairy Wrasse |
False cleanerfish | Finescale triggerfish |
Finespotted Fairy Wrasse | Five-lined cardinalfish |
Flamefish | Flame Angelfish |
Foxface Rabbitfish | French Angelfish |
Gilded triggerfish | Golden Angelfish |
Goldspotted Rabbitfish | Gray Angelfish |
Gray unicornfish | Great Barrier Reef blenny |
Green Chromis | Gray triggerfish |
Halfback Angelfish | Halfmoon picassofish |
Halfmoon triggerfish | Hartzfeld's cardinalfish |
Hogchoker | Humpback unicornfish |
Indian triggerfish | Iridescent cardinalfish |
Japanese surgeonfish | Keyhole Angelfish |
Korean Angelfish | arge toothed cardinalfish |
Large-scale triggerfish | Lemonpeel Angelfish |
Leopard blenny | Linear blenny |
Lined sole | Linguado |
Live sharksucker | Longnose surgeonfish |
Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse | Lyretail |
Hogfish | Maroon Clownfish |
Magnificent | Rabbitfish |
Masked Rabbitfish | Masked triggerfish |
Majestic Angelfish | Mango Angelfish |
Midnight Angelfish | Nalolo |
Ocean surgeon | Ocean triggerfish |
Ocellaris | Clownfish |
Ochre-striped cardinalfish | Onespot Foxface Rabbitfish |
Orange Angelfish | Orange-lined triggerfish |
Orange Skunk Anemonefish | Orangeside triggerfish |
Orangespine unicornfish | Orbiculate cardinalfish |
Ornate Wrasse | Painted frogfish |
Pajama cardinalfish | Palette surgeonfish |
Passer Angelfish | Percula Clownfish |
Persian blenny | Picasso triggerfish |
Pink Skunk Clownfish | Pinktail triggerfish |
Potter's Angelfish | Purplemask angelfish |
Queen Angelfish | Queen triggerfish |
Queensland blenny | Red Sea mimic blenny |
Redfin Fairy Wrasse | Redmargin Fairy Wrasse |
Red-speckled blenny | Redtail triggerfish |
Redtoothed triggerfish | Ring-tailed cardinalfish |
Royal Gramma | Rock Beauty |
Rusty Angelfish | Saddleback Clownfish |
Saddleback Hogfish | Saddle Clownfish |
Sailfin tang | Sargassum triggerfish |
Scribbled Angelfish | Scott's Fairy Wrasse |
Seale's cardinalfish | Shaggy angler |
Sixbanded Angelfish | Skunk Clownfish |
Sleek unicornfish | Sohal surgeonfish |
Spanish Hogfish | Social Wrasse |
Solor Fairy Wrasse | Spotted oceanic triggerfish |
Spotted surgeonfish | Spotted tang |
Spotted Hogfish | Stone triggerfish |
Striated frogfish | Striated surgeonfish |
Striped triggerfish | Striped-fin surgeonfish |
Talbot's blenny | Thompson's surgeonfish |
Threadfin cardinalfish | Titan triggerfish |
Tomato Clownfish | Tomini surgeonfish |
Twospot surgeonfish | Twotone tang |
Vermiculated Angelfish | Virgate Rabbitfish |
Warty frogfish | Watanabe's Angelfish |
Wedge-tail triggerfish | Whitetail Pygmy Angelfish |
White jawed cardinalfish | Whitemargin unicornfish |
Wolf Cardinalfish | Wolf eel |
Wolf fish | Yellow tang |
These were some of the most common types of saltwater fish, but it's not an exhaustive list and some of the most common fish types may have been left out.
Freshwater Fish Types
Freshwater fish are those which live in water bodies other than the oceans and seas. They are mostly found in lakes and rivers and are found in different terrains ranging from mountain tops to low lying rivers. Some of the most common freshwater fish types include:
- African Butterfly Cichlid
- African Knife Fish
- Agassiz' Dwarf Cichlid
- Afra Cichlid
- El Abra Pygmy Swordtail
- African Butter Catfish
- Aulonocara Maulana
- African Snakehead
- Akar betta fish
- Argus Fish
- Azureus Cichlid
- Albino Cory
- Asian Arowana
- Archerfish
- Aulonocara Benga
- Arnoldi
- Australian Pearl Arowana
- Amiet's Lyretail
- Burmese Snakehead
- Bullseye Snakehead
- Bulldog Pleco
- Buenos Aires Tetra
- Bucktoothed Tetra
- Badis
- Bala Shark
- Banded Knife Fish
- Bangka Snakehead
- Baram Snakehead
- Barca Snakehead
- Batik Loach
- Banded Bichir
- Banded Shovelnose Catfish
- Barred Knife Fish
- Barred Sorubim
- Bearded Cory
- Beauty Mouthbrooder
- Bengal Danio
- Bigtooth River Stingray
- Bishop livebearer
- Black Arowana
- Black Banded Leporinus
- Black Barred Myleus
- Black Diamond Gold Piranha
- Blackfinned Snakehead
- Black Ghost Knife
- Black Neon Tetra
- Black Piranha
- Black Phantom tetra
- Blackskirt Tetra
- Bleeding Heart Tetra
- Benny Tetra
- Blue Gourami
- Blue Discus fish
- Big Eye Mouthbrooder
- Big Toothed Piranha
- Black Pacu
- Black Small Fighter
- Blind Cavefish
- Bloodfin Tetra
- Blotched Snakehead
- Blue Acara
- Blue Band Mouthbrooder
- Blue Convict Cichlid
- Blue Panda Apisto
- Bluespotted Snakehead
- Blyth's Loach
- Bolivian ram
- Brandti Piranha
- Bream
- Brilliant rasbora
- Bristlenosed Catfish
- Brown Betta
- Brown Discus
- Cardinal Tetra
- Catemaco Livebearer
- Celebes Halfbeak
- Ceylon Snakehead
- Chel Snakehead
- Cherry Barb
- Chevron Snakehead
- Chilumba
- Chinese Snakehead
- Cinnamon Killifish
- Clown Barb
- Clown Killifish
- Demasoni Cichlid
- Diamond tetra
- Dovii Cichlid
- Double Lipspot Mouthbrooder
- Duckbill Catfish
- Dusky Piranha
- Dwarf Croaking Gourami
- Dwarf Gourami
- Dwarf Livebearer
- Dwarf Loach
- Electric Blue Hap
- Electric Catfish
- Electric Yellow Lab
- El Quince Swordtail
- Emperor Snakehead
- Eureka Cichlid
- Eyespot Mouthbrooder
- Fahaka Puffer
- Father Strohs Mouthbrooder
- Figure Eight Puffer
- Firebird Cichlid
- Firemouth Cichlid
- Firehead cichlid
- Flag acara
- Flagtailed Catfish
- Flame Tetra
- Flier Cichlid
- Forrest Betta
- German Blue Ram
- Geryi Piranha
- Ghost Knife Fish
- Giant Betta
- Giant Danio
- Giant Snakehead
- Glass Knife Fish
- Glass catfish
- Glowlight Tetra
- Golden Nugget Pleco
- Golden Snakehead
- Gold Gourami
- Gold Mixteco
- Grant's Peacock cichlid
- Halfbeak
- Heller's Cichlid
- High Backed Pygme Swordtail
- Highland Platy
- Highland Swordtail
- Hikari Danio
- Hogchoker
- Holland's Piranha
- Honey Gourami
- Indian Glassfish
- Indonesian Datnoid
- Inle Snakehead
- Jack Demspey Cichlid
- Javan Mouthbrooding Fighting Fish
- Jelly Bean Tetra
- Julii Cory
- Kadango Cichlid
- Keyhole Cichlid
- Knife Livebearer
- Koi Carp
- Lamp eye tetra
- Leopard Danio
- Leopard Cory
- Leporinus
- Lesser Bleeding Heart Tetra
- Lesser Spiny Eel
- Lyretail Killifish
- Lyre Tail Pleco
- Madagascar
- Rainbowfish
- Maison's Peacock
- Malawi Eyebiter
- Malebo Puffer
- Marbled Hatchet
- Marbled Hatchet (profile 2)
- Marbled Headstander
- Mbu Puffer
- Mekong Puffer
- Neon Tetra
- New Ediths Mouthbrooder
- Niger Snakehead
- Night Snakehead
- Nijsseni's Dwarf Cichlid
- Norman's Lampeye
- Northern
- Mountain Swordtail
- Northern Platy
- Northern Snakehead
- Ocellated Puffer Fish
- Ocellated Snakehead
- Otocinclus
- Olive Danio
- One Spot Mouthbrooder
- Oscar fish
- Orange Finned Danio
- Orangespotted Snakehead
- Ornate Bichir
- Pacman catfish
- Panaw Snakehead
- Panda cory
- Paradise Fish
- Pareutropius bueffei
- Peaceful Betta
- Peacock Mouthbrooder
- Pearl Danio
- Pearl Gourami
- Penguin Tetra
- Peppered Corydoras
- Pepper Tetra
- Pictus Catfish
- Pike Livebearer
- Pike Piranha
- Rainbow Snakehead
- Rainbow Shark
- Red Belly Pacu
- Redbelly Piranha
- Red-blotched River Stingray
- Redbreast acara
- Red Devil
- Red Dwarf Rasbora
- Red Empress Cichlid
- Red Eye Tetra
- Red Heckles Discus
- Red Hook Silver Dollar
- Red jewel cichlid
- Reddish Dwarf Fighter
- Red Port Acara
- Red Sumatran Fighter
- Red Tailed Catfish
- Sabretooth Tetra
- Sailfin Molly
- Sailfin Pim
- San Juan Cory
- Schallers Mouthbrooder
- Schwartz's Cory
- Scissortail
- Serrated Piranha
- Serpae Tetra
- Sheepshead Swordtail
- Severum
- Siamese Algae Eater
- Siamese Fighting Fish
- Sieve Cichlid
- Silver Datnoid
- Silver Dollar (Metynnis hypsauchen)
- Silver Dollar (Metynnis argenteus)
- Silver hatchetfish
- Silver Hemiodopsis
- Silver Mylossoma
- Silver Prochilodus
- Silvertip Tetra
- Simple Mouthbrooder
- Simor Fighter
- Skunk Botia
- Skunk Cory
- Slender Betta
- Slender Hemiodus
- Slender Pygme Swordtail
- Small Fin Fighter
- Smaragd Fighting Fish
- Smooth Back River Stingray
- Snakeskin Gourami
- Spike Tail Platy
- Splendid Snakehead
- Spotted Pike Characin
- Tail Light Tetra
- T-Bar Cichlid
- Tenuis Tetra
- Ten Spotted Livebearer
- Texas Cichlid
- Three Lined Cory
- Thick Lib Gourami
- Thinbar Datnoid
- Three lined mouthbrooder
- Three Spot Tetra
- Tiger Barb
- Tiger Botia
- Tiretrack Eels
- Tomi Mouthbrooder
- Tigrinus Catfish
- Tramitichromis intermedius
- Tricolor Cichlid
- Twin Spot Flag Cichlid
- Turquoise Cichlid
- Tussys Small Red Fighter
- Umbie
- Umbrella Cichlid
- Upland Swordtail
- Upside-down Catfish
- Viejita Apisto
- Wasers Mouthbrooder
- Wessel's Cichlid
- West African Lungfish
- Western Mosquitofish
- White Cloud
- Mountain Minnow
- White Piranha
- Widebar Datnoid
- Wimple Piranha
- Wine Red Betta
- Wolf Fish
- Yellow Acara
- Yellow King Piranha
- Yellow Swordtail
- YoYo Loach (Pakistani Loach)
- Zebra Danio
- Zebra Loach
From the above list, you can see that there are different kinds of fish, but they can basically be divided into two categories - those living in the seas and oceans and those living in rivers, ponds, etc. Hope this gives you a pretty good idea of the different fish types found all round the world.
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