Friday, January 31, 2014

Saltwater Fish Diseases

Marine or saltwater fish are more coveted than the freshwater fish, and most aquarium hobbyists wish to have saltwater fish in their aquarium. But, being an aquarist (fishkeeper) is not an easy task, as taking care of fish requires a lot of skill. Saltwater fish are prone to ill conditions and diseases. Let us have a look at the most common diseases of saltwater fish.

Marine Fish Diseases

Saltwater or marine fish diseases are caused due to a variety of reasons. Some of them can be caused simply due to an unhealthy environment, while others can be caused by saltwater fish parasites like protozoa or worms. The following are saltwater aquarium fish diseases.

Marine Ich
Marine ich is caused by a protozoan named Cryptocaryon irritans. This disease is very easy to recognize as the symptoms include white spots on the skin, gills and eyes of the fish. The other signs include trouble in breathing and cloudy eyes. Stress and lack of maintenance is the main cause of Marine ich in fish. One should remember that Marine ich is fatal and even contagious. Therefore, if you notice these symptoms in any fish, you should immediately quarantine it. Medications containing copper are effective in treating Marine ich at an early age. Marine velvet, another saltwater fish disease, is similar to Marine ich. The symptoms are however different as in case of Marine velvet, the spots are smaller, and even darker than those in case of Marine Ich. However, the treatment for treating both the diseases is similar.

Ammonia Poisoning
As the name suggests, this disease is caused when the amount of ammonia in the water increases. The level of ammonia should be zero as even a little increase in it can cause poisoning in fish. The symptom of ammonia poisoning is that the gills of the fish appear red or inflamed and they try to come out of the water for air. Ammonia poisoning can be treated by changing the water and using chemical neutralizer to reduce the level of ammonia.

Uronema disease is caused by a protozoan called Uronema marinum. Symptoms like external ulcers, shedding of the skin and cloudy eyes are observed. Similarly, blood circulation is also impaired which results in the death of the fish. The only treatment for Uronema is a regular freshwater dip (for 5 - 7 minutes) or formalin bath. As the protozoa cannot survive in freshwater, it helps the fish to recover quickly.

Head and Lateral Line Erosion (Hole-in-the-Head)
Nutrition deficiency, poor environment and poor quality of water can give rise to this disease. As the name suggests, symptoms involve development of small spots or holes in the head and along the lateral line of the body. If the disease is not treated quickly, it can result in death of the fish. Therefore, improving the environmental conditions, food and water quality can help in treating this disease. For better results, you can even use vitamin supplements or vitamin enriched food.

Bacterial Fin Rot
Bacterial infection due to poor quality water or stress in fish gives rise to the fin rot disease. Erosion and rotting of the fins is the classic symptom of bacterial fin rot disease. Reddening and bleeding of the fins and the gills, loss of appetite and lethargy are the symptoms observed in the advanced stage. Antibiotics are effective in treating bacterial fin rot disease. On the other hand, good quality water and temperature parameters are essential to prevent the disease.

On a concluding note, we observe that most of the fish diseases can be prevented by ensuring a good quality diet and water. Similarly, daily observance and minimized stress also proves effective in keeping the fish healthy and free of diseases!

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