Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Dwarf Puffer Fish

The river Pamba in Kerala, Southwest India, is the home to the dwarf puffer fish. This species is called so because of its length, which is less than an inch, making it the smallest puffer fish in the world. There are two variants of this species. One is scientifically known as Carinotetraodon travancoricus and the other is known by the name Carinotetraodon imitator. The eyes of the fish are black, but turn blue when exposed to light. Its eyes are capable of moving independently of each other. A dwarf fish may sometimes curl its tail. This might be an indication that it is somehow uncomfortable or suffering from a sickness. It is common to see the fish opening up its mouth wide open, as if it is yawning. Bluish green to black, having light or dark textures, are the color of the spots or patches which you may find on the fish.

Tank Size

As it is obvious from the tiny size of this freshwater fish, the tank need not be huge or so spacious. Smaller fish tanks will do. A 5 - 20 gallon tank is enough to home this small puffer. The fish might become aggressive in response to the presence of another of its kind, if they are confined to very small spaces. So, 5 gallons per puffer is the general recommendation. Male dwarf puffer fish have aggressive temperament towards other males, especially during mating season. They have been associated with incidences where they have fought till death. So, it is wise that you keep 2-3 females for every male, while setting up a tank. This way, there will be less rivalry and so, fewer fights.

Determining the sex of a dwarf puffer fish, may pose quite a challenge, until it has attained its complete maturity. A matured male will bear a dark line that runs down its yellowish belly. This line will darken as the male attains more sexual maturity. Wrinkles behind the eyes, are another way of differentiating a male puffer from a female, which is lack of any such kind of wrinkles. The body shape of a female is generally rounder than that of a male; another way of determining the sex of the species.


You may feed your puffer with ease, while, there might be times, when you may think, 'What's wrong with puff? Why isn't he eating?' Those fish which are newly introduced to an aquarium after being brought from the wild, are the ones which give a tough time to their owners. For them, prepared foods just do not fit the bill. So, for the first few days, your fish may not get comfortable with the foods you are providing it. But eventually, your puffer will grow out of its shyness and get used to the feeding. Foods that you may feed your fish include bloodworms, brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, daphnia, tubifex worms, glass worms and krill. These foods can be given in frozen form, but ensure to thaw them before putting then inside the tank. Live foods that are fancied by the fish include blackworms, brine shrimp and snails. More than any other types of food, you must include snails in your fish's diet. Snails are considered to be the natural food for the puffer species. So, drop a live snail in the tank and have some fun watching your little puffer hunting it down!

Water, Diseases and Treatment

As far as the water is concerned, the dwarf puffer fish has the natural ability to habitat almost all kinds of water conditions. However, you must maintain good conditions in the tank to keep your fish healthy and free from any illnesses. 26 degree C is the ideal temperature, the fish seems to do best with and water with a pH level of at least 7.0. The ammonia and nitrite levels, as with all fish, must be kept at 0.

Diseases which are commonly diagnosed in these fish include ich (a common protozoan disease that is often called 'white spot disease'), fungal infections, bacterial infections and internal parasites. There are medicines available for treating such conditions. However, before putting them into use, get them prescribed or recommended by a professional fish keeper.

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