Sunday, May 26, 2013

Betta Fish

The Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, is one of the most popular species of fish seen in many aquariums at home. This fish requires very little attention from your side and this is probably why, this fish is very much in demand today. Its vibrant colors could be yet another reason why people prefer to add it to their aquariums. So, if you are planning to add this fish to your aquarium and wish to know all about Betta fish, read on for some interesting facts associated with it.

Description and Habitat

The Betta fish is a colorful fish and is rather small in size. The size may differ - from 2.5 centimeters to 6 centimeters! One can find it in a variety of colors such as red, blue, purple, etc. The male is more vibrant in color as compared to the females. The beauty of these species completely attracts people to include them in aquariums.

The Betta fish belongs to the ray-finned species generally found in freshwater areas. It can even live in streams and large puddles as well. These fish were first noticed in Thailand, and are thus native to this land and many other places such as China.

Aquarium Care

Ensure you keep the water in the aquarium fresh and clean at all times. You may not need to use a filtration system but it would be a good idea to change the water after every three days. The water will need to be changed once it appears cloudy. While cleaning the bowl, you can shift the fish to another bowl, which has clean water.

You must also be aware of the temperature of the water. The tank needs to have water with temperatures that ranges from 75F to 85F. You can also get a pH testing kit for your tank. This will help you to maintain the pH level of 7.0.

Decorations for aquariums are a common sight to see nowadays. In case of Betta fish, you must refrain from decorating the tank more than required. Always give this fish ample space to swim around. Addition of rocks in the aquarium may cause problems for the movement of the fish.

In case you wish to add plants to the aquarium, you need to be aware of the kind of plants you add to avoid hurting the Betta fish. Some plastic plants can cause injury to the body when the fish swims around at great speed.

The Betta fish is known to be very active in nature therefore it is a better idea to cover the tank. This is because it tends to jump out of the water in excitement, at times. If you do not have a cover then you can even use some mesh cloth as a cover. In case you don't want to have a cover at all, then you need to fill the tank with 80 percent water to prevent the fish from jumping out of the tank.

When you purchase Betta fish from the pet store, you need to keep a few things in mind before transferring the fish into the aquarium. You can pour some of the water from the aquarium into the bag so that the fish can adjust to the temperature gradually. You can then transfer the fish carefully into the aquarium once you know it has adapted to the change of water.

If you wish to add more fish to the aquarium, then you can add other species of fish. Betta fish should not be paired with the same species because it has the tendency to fight with other Betta fish.

Clean all the decorative plants and rocks with warm water. You can even use a small brush to clean the grime collected on it. The use of soap is not recommended for the same. This is because any residue left on these objects can affect the quality of water in the tank.

When feeding, you need to give it live food whenever possible. You can also feed it flake foods or frozen dried food.

Use these tips to enjoy the company of this beautiful fish at home! They can surely prove to be delightful companions in due course of time!

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