Monday, December 9, 2013

Create Your Own Cartoon Character

Monday mornings at work can be quite a drag, if subtly put, after all no one is yelling "Yabba-Dabba-Doo". But Monty Burns from the Simpsons isn't so subtle about it, "Monday morning. Time to pay for your two days of debauchery, you hung over drones." The point of this is, what if you had a job where you wouldn't know what the much dreaded Monday morning feels like. If you have something in common with Walt Disney, like say your passion for cartoons then that can be a possibility. Let alone a job, anyone who loves cartoons, at least once, has considered the thought, "what if you could create your own cartoon character."

Making Your Own Cartoon

So let's say you are as mischievous as the creators of the famous cartoons like the Daffy Duck, Road Runner or the Bugs Bunny and every time either of them tries to 'attack' the other, you can think of a million other ways in which you could show that happening.

If you too can think of catchy quips of "what's up doc?" or "D'oh!", then what are you waiting for, go and make your own cartoon characters. This can be a highly entertaining and creative habit, especially if you are good with your hands. Plus you never know, you could end up making this your profession. All you need is a creative mischievous mind that can see humor in the most mundane things. Grab yourself a paper and pen and start sketching. If you can't sketch then don't worry there are plenty of software available that not only help you sketch your own cartoon but animate it too. So there you go, you can even make your own moving cartoon character. If you run out of ideas for a cartoon, who says you can't create your own on yourself?

How to Create your Own Cartoon Character

You can make up your own characters anyway you like. Take ideas from the many different cartoons we have. Depending on whether you are creating the character for a newspaper script, comic book or an animated series, there are plenty of elements that you can play with, from the look of the character to the costume and not to forget the catch phrase that will make the cartoon unforgettable.

While making your cartoon, you must keep in mind that cartoons need not be created only for kids, adults too should be kept in mind. The message of the cartoon is determined according to this. If you want some detailed drawing tips, then take a look at the articles mentioned below. Otherwise, remember that one must experiment with different styles while making a cartoon character because different mediums need different visuals. This style more or less becomes something like a trademark of the cartoon, like a brand image. For example, the look and the feel of Garfield is so different from that of the Phantom.

To make characters on the computer, you will need to learn the various programs that are used for sketching and animating. The advantage with making your own character is that, it is quite easy to do so these days, as long as one has a vision. The rest is just technicality that needs to be taken care of. If the creative source is abundant with ideas then reproduction of the ideas is very easy. One just needs to have the far sight and the will to see the character materialize.

This goes out to The Simpsons, South Park, Tom and Jerry, The Flintstones and all the other colorful scripts that add humor to our lives and give us the ability to look at the brighter side of the situation. So go ahead, create your own cartoon character and mesmerize the world, where every adult is still a child at heart. "That's All Folks!"

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