Monday, September 16, 2013

Powder Blue Tang

The strikingly bright color pattern of the powder blue tang makes it one of the most beautiful saltwater fish to have in one's aquarium. Most part of the body of the powder blue tang is a bright blue. Its head is black and has a white crest that runs from its pectoral fin up to the throat. The dorsal fin is a brilliant yellow, lined with a white margin and black submarginal line. The anal and pelvic fins are white. On the whole, it is a sparkling riot of color that adds amazing beauty to any saltwater aquarium. However, the powder blue tang is an expensive aquarium fish. It can cost anywhere from $50 to $100 depending upon the size. Also, this fish is for the more experienced aquarium hobbyists, as powder blue tang care is demanding.

Powder Blue Tang Care

The powder blue tang is scientifically known as the Acanthurus leucosternon. It is an active swimmer that inhabits the shallow saltwater reefs, found along the coast or islands of the Indian Ocean and the West Pacific. Unlike most other reef dwellers, the territory of these fish spread over a considerably large area. Hence, it is important that the owner has a large aquarium for his fish. On an average, the saltwater aquarium should be six times the size of a tang. However, the bigger the fish tank easier it is for a tang to adjust to its new environment.

One important tip while setting up a saltwater fish tank for the tang is to allow the water to age. Let it stabilize. Add plenty of filamentous algae to it. Ensure that the water in the aquarium has high level of oxygenation. Reef aquariums are the best choice for these fish, as they best emulate the natural environment of these reef dwellers.

Another aspect to look out for while purchasing a powder blue tang is its health. These fish are notorious for contracting ich and marine velvet. They fall prey to these disease while being transported in cramped containers in ships. Reputed fish stores usually make sure that the specimen that they sell are healthy. However, make it a point that you inspect for signs of diseases in the powder blue tang that you want to buy. Look for signs of trauma in the fish during shipping. Stress or injury in fish can be detected in the form of torn or damaged fins, a listless fish or a fish rubbing itself against the aquarium walls. Despite all the measures, it is best to quarantine the fish for a couple of weeks before it is introduced in the fish tank. This will give the owner a chance to confirm if the fish has any disease and take adequate measures.

In the wild, powder blue tang are herbivores and mostly feed on benthic algae. However, once acclimatized, they become omnivorous and can be fed krill, mysis shrimp, brine shrimp and pellets. Food products based on marine flora is a good option. However, add dried algae regularly to supplement their food. Also, ensure that the powder blue tang diet has high amount of protein in it.

Powder Blue Tang Compatibility

The powder blue tang can be described as a semi aggressive fish. Though generally peace loving, these tropical fish do not take well to other surgeon fish. Hence, ensure that you have only one powder blue tang per aquarium. In the wild they are either found as solitary fish or they may form colonies that defend their territory aggressively from other tang species. These are grazers and hence, greater territory means more food. In case, keeping two tangs in an aquarium is inevitable, it is best to introduce both the fish together. Introducing a new tang in a tank that already has an established one means lot of fighting. Keeping more than one tang in an aquarium should be largely avoided.

Powder blue tang is a joy to own. However, as its care requires more effort than many other types of fish, first time aquarium hobbyists should refrain from adding a powder blue tang to their aquarium.

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