Monday, September 9, 2013

Otocinclus Catfish

Commonly seen in freshwater aquariums, catfish can be easily identified with their looks. Catfish are among the most diverse group of freshwater fish and are seen in almost all parts of the world. As per studies, there are more than 3000 species of catfish and they vary in size and other features. The name catfish is derived from their barbels that resembles the whiskers of a cat. Many of the smaller catfish species are commonly found in freshwater fish tanks and otocinclus catfish is one among them. This article deals with the various aspects of raising this fish in the aquarium.

Otocinclus Catfish Facts

As mentioned above, some of the smaller catfish species are kept in aquariums. They are bottom dwellers, which are found to be algae eating fish. They also serve the purpose of scavenging, as they feed on the leftover fish food in the tank. Otocinclus catfish are also not aggressive, making it fit with most of the other fish types.

But, it is better to avoid keeping catfish with cichlids, as the latter may cause harm to the catfish. However, it is said that compared to other catfish types, otocinclus catfish is found to be more suitable for cichlid tanks. Due to their size, gentle nature and scavenging properties, these catfish are preferred for aquariums. It is also said that these fish are not messy and are easy to take care of.

Otocinclus catfish belongs to the genus Otocinclus in the catfish family Loricariidae. Most of the catfish types that are seen in aquariums (like plecos) belong to this family. Like other members of the family, otocinclus too have rows of bony plates on the body. Another notable feature of these fish is the ventrally located suckermouth, that enables them to feed on algae and other leftovers. The ventral side of the body is flat and the dorsal side is curved.

Their body length may range between 2.5 centimeters to 5.5 centimeters. The smallest among the different otocinclus species is Otocinclus tapirape and the longest is Otocinclus flexilis. The color may also vary with the species. The commonly found species of this aquarium catfish is Otocinclus affinis, has a dull gray body color with long brown stripes that run from the head to the tail, on both sides. Even their tail fins are found to be striped.

How to Raise Otocinclus Catfish

So, otocinclus catfish is a less maintenance fish. However, this fish has certain basic requirements that have to be met with, for their healthy growth. They must be kept in fish tanks with a minimum size of 20 to 30 gallons. The water must be kept clean with a preferable temperature range of 70 F - 78 F. The ideal pH of water is between 6 to 7.5 and hardness can be around 6 to 15 dH. As these fish like company, get them in pairs or a group of three to five. This fish is very much suitable for heavily planted aquariums.

Provide enough plants and hiding places, like logs and rocks, as hiding places for otocinclus catfish. Bettas, guppies, mollies, swordtails, tetras, barbs, gouramis, loaches, discus, angelfish, etc., are said to be ideal tank mates for this catfish. As far as otocinclus catfish diet is concerned, you must feed them with vegetable-based feed, if there are less plants and algae in your tank. Breeding is not uncommon in heavily planted tanks. They lay eggs on plants, rocks, etc. The lifespan of this fish is between 3 to 5 years.

In short, otocinclus catfish can be a useful addition to your fish tank, if it is a heavily planted one. The above mentioned is only a brief overview about the fish and if you want to keep them in your aquarium, it will be better to gain a more thorough idea beforehand.

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