Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Oscar Fish Food

The Oscar fish is most of the time found in the Amazon and the water bodies around the river. The ability of the Oscar fish to recognize and respond to its owner, has made it a very popular pet. It is often observed by the pet store owners that the Oscar fish is the fish that is returned to the pet store more often than any other pet fish. This is due to the fact that the Oscar fish that lives off on a healthy diet, has a tendency to grow at an alarming rate. The second draw back is that it also becomes violent in rather congested places. It can grow up to 40 cm in length and can also weigh about 3 pounds. Another very common feature that the Oscar fish shares with the other fish from the Amazon and South America is, that it is an omnivore fish that relishes live food.

What makes the fish unique and also famous is its inclination towards versatile food. One of the unique patters of food consumption that the Oscar fish tends to display is that it needs a different food every day, which is very parallel to the human feeding habit. The second specialty regarding the food of an Oscar fish is its demand for vitamin C. The lack and deficiency of Vitamin C can also prove fatal. Hence, the best food for Oscar fish is bound to have a very good quantity of vitamin C in it.

Oscar fish is said to be very closely related to the infamous Piranha, due to its attraction towards live food. Some of the live foods that the Oscar fish likes include live insects such as worms, crickets and other insects that thrive in the water. Some of the other insects that the Oscar fish is particularly fond of are flies and grasshoppers. In the wild, the Oscar fish diet includes other sedentary catfish and other varieties of fish such as catfish that include, bunocephalus, rineloricaria and ochmacanthus.

Oscar fish food also includes crayfish, feeder goldfish and also rosy reds. Apart from that, Oscar fish owners also feed their fish a huge variety of worms and insects. The key to keep the captive Oscar fish happy is to give it the best possible variety of fish and insects as feed.

If you look at the artificially made fish food a popular food is 'flake' food, which are available in almost any pet shop and most super markets. Oscar fish owners always recommend tetra cichlid large flakes as one of the best food for Oscar fish. Depending on the size of the Oscar fish, you may also consider feeding it floating pellets. The floating pellets are available in various sizes and forms. A treat that would remind any Oscar fish of its native place is frozen blood worms, which are actually red mosquito larvae. Sounds disgusting, but is loved by the Oscar fish!

The best way to feed your Oscar fish is to feed it a combination of different fish foods which have been stated above. Most Oscar fish owners suggest a meal of one type of 'live' food and one type of manufactured food that comes in packaged tins. Experts from the field of Ichthyology (the study of fish) comment that, the Oscar fish is the happiest in a reasonably large space and with a large and versatile diet.

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