Aquarium Catfish Types
In nature, there are approximately 2049 species of catfish and they also rank topmost in the largest variety of freshwater fish. According to the reports, there are about 37 families of freshwater catfish identified till date, out of which some have also adapted themselves to salt water. These catfish have also been found in the least suspected areas, however, they have not been found in Antarctica yet.
Bristlenose Catfish
Identifying this species of catfish is simple, because of the bristly appendages on the nose and mouth of this fish. It is due to this appearance that the fish gets its name. This fish is dark gray in color and has lighter gray spots all over its body. Another physical attribute, which makes its identification simpler is the slightly transparent fins and tail. If you have a problem of algae in the aquarium, you may want to have one of this fish to remove the algae. However, you will have to ensure you supplement its diet with some vegetables as well.
Banjo Catfish
Like the bristlenose catfish, banjo catfish also gets its name from the shape of its body. This fish is broad, has a round head and a long narrow tail. Another mark of identification of this fish is that its body is covered with warty lumps. This fish is predominantly omnivorous, hence, needs to be fed with algae, as well as with blood worms, tubifex worms, shrimp pellets, etc.
African Glass Catfish
This is a decorative aquarium fish, which is small in size and needs to be kept with other fish of its own species. A characteristic which makes this fish stand apart from the rest is that it swims in the middle levels of the fish tank. Appearance of this fish is also unique, as it has a gold head and upper body, while the lower half is transparent.
Glass Catfish
This fish is different from African glass fish as it can be kept in a community tank. It has a small silver head and the sides and fins of this catfish are completely transparent.
Twig Catfish
This fish also derives its name from its appearance, as it has a long and narrow body and flattened head. It indeed does resembles a twig, when it is resting and is motionless on the floor of the aquarium. Although it does feed itself on algae, you will have to supplement its diet with other green food as well.
Sucker-mouth Catfish
The other name of this fish is plecostomus and is often kept in aquariums at home to get rid of algae which grows in the aquariums. This fish is dark brownish gray in color and also has lighter spots. Since, it can grow up to one foot long, it is not suitable for smaller fish tanks.
Upside Down Catfish
This fish is known to swim upside down and eat from the surface of water. It has a short body with stubby fins and has brown and yellow spots all over its body.
Walking Catfish
This species is banned in a number of states, as it is known to escape aquariums and infest streams, ponds and rivers and also destroy the ecosystem of the place. It can travel from one body to another as it is able to store air and walk out of water to land and reach another water body.
Although it is easy to take care of this fish, you will have to keep a watch on their health, as they can also be affected with diseases. The most common diseases are ammonia poisoning, anchor worms, black spots, cataracts, cotton mouth, dropsy, fin rot, curved spine, etc. If you notice any change in behavior of your pet, you will have to check if it is ill. Eggs of this fish are normally found around the glass or plants in the aquarium. You will have to be patient as some species of freshwater catfish may take as long as 7 days to hatch. In case there are other varieties of fish in the tank, you may want to remove the eggs and place them in a different bowl, so that the other fish do not eat the tiny fish.
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